General office of LLC "UKRBIOTAL": +38(0362) 62-21-15
1. Certificate ISO 9001:2015
2.1. Certificate of Compliance for “BIOTAL” plants , 19.10.2022
2.2. Certificate of Compliance for “BIOTAL” plants , 28.10.2019
2.3. Certificate of Compliance for “BIOTAL” plants , 28.10.2019
2.4. Russian Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants MONOBLOK type, 15.04.2010
3. Russian Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants BLOK type, 15.04.2010
4. English Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants MONOBLOK type, 15.04.2010
5. English Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants BLOK type, 15.04.2010
6. Czech Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants MONOBLOK type, 15.04.2010
7. Czech Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants BLOK type, 15.04.2010
8. French Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants MONOBLOK type, 15.04.2010
9. French Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants BLOK type, 15.04.2010
10. German Certificate TÜV for”BIOTAL” plants MONOBLOK type, 15.04.2010
11. German Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants BLOK type, 15.04.2010
12. Swedish Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants MONOBLOK type, 15.04.2010
13. Swedish Certificate TÜV for “BIOTAL” plants BLOK type, 15.04.2010
1. Quality Policy
2. Conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 12.2-18-1/24093 dd. 28.10.2019 for the biological wastewater treatment plant BIOTAL®
3. Conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 05/03/02-07/45809 dd. 16.07.2014 for the biological wastewater treatment Technology BIOTAL®
4. Conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 05.03.02-04/59006 dd. 24.09.2014 relative to recommended sanitary protection zones from “BIOTAL” plants with capacity to 500 m3/day
5. Conclusion of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 05.03.02-04/31609 dd. 04.04.2011 for the plant for the separation of fat-containing impurities in sewage “Grease trap”
6. Hygienic recommendations on the use of “BIOTAL” plants for the integrated treatment of domestic wastewater along with surface waters of gas filling stations (Petrol stations)
7. Declaration of conformity №Д-RU.MP18.B.01075(Russian Federation)
8. Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine concerning deep biological wastewater treatment system “BIOTAL“
9. Minutes of Meeting of the Academic Council of the Ukrainian Institute of Environmental and Resources Testing under the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine, 03.04.2002.
10. Hygienic recommendations on the use of tretaed wastewater and its sediments from “BIOTAL” plants on garden plots
11. Decision of the chief sanitary doctor of Kiev
12. Decision of the Republican Committee of Ecological Resources of the Crimea № 632/03
13. Protocol of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise №1767
14. Decision of the State Department of Ecology and Natural Resources in Zhytomyr region
15. Decision of the Republican Committee of Ecological Resources of the Crimea № 02 541
16. Letter from the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers on Utilization of “BIOTAL” plants applying
17. Letter from Khmelnytsky City Sanitary and Epidemiological Station
In April 2010, the European certification for the full biological wastewater treatment plant BIOTAL was completed. «TÜV SÜD», which has been dealing with this issue, has more than a century of experience and has earned an impeccable reputation in certification and testing of products.
The tests of the BIOTAL plant showed unprecedented results from the quality of the cleaning of small amounts of sewage.
Tests of technology took place under conditions of work that changed dramatically. Waste water was supplied to the plant in an amount that exceeded the calculation, as well as in the amount below the estimated. The concentration of pollutants in sewage also changed dramatically. In this you can assure, having read the protocol of water quality research on the inflow (see attached documents)
In fact, wastewater from residential buildings does not enter purification facilities with such jumps in the amount and concentration of pollutants, but for certification of equipment it is necessarily subjected to such a load. This makes it possible to explore the limits of the possibilities of a treatment plant.
BIOTAL plant has honorably endured all stresses, proved to be reliable, the equipment is stable, despite the peak flow of sewage with uncontrolled concentrations of pollutants. The results of the tests exceeded all the expectations of the specialists, which you can see by yourself by reading the protocols of the research of purified wastewater on the outlet (see attached documents).
Since May 2010, the production of BIOTAL plants in Czech Republic for European countries was launched.